Monday, May 18, 2015

Summer 2015: A Return to the Homeland & PinoyJeep

Hello PinoyJeep Followers!

Almost eight months have passed since my last post for PinoyJeep (a writer’s block that hasn’t gotten any better over the past year). So first, I must apologize for the bareness, and secondly, I would like to inform you that I'll be returning to the Philippines in just a few weeks, which means I'm back!

Almost two years ago, I created PinoyJeep to document our IP Rondalla Tour to the Philippines. Now, two years later, I will be returning with eight other Filipino leaders from universities across the US for an 8-week internship and learning experience. This fellowship is Kaya Collaborative's first step toward its mission of reconnecting Filipino diaspora youth with opportunities for transnational action in the Philippines as it will be spent with homegrown social ventures and local community partners to design solutions in bridging the disconnect between diaspora and home. After the summer, we will be launched back to our diaspora networks to engineer and implement this reconnection at scale.  I am excited and eager to share my personal stories on this trip as we embark on this mission.

With that said, I will mostly be using another blogging site to update you on my personal journey this summer. Please check out Sierra’s Jeepney Ride. (We'll see how long this blog lasts before I return to PJ...but it's worth a try.)

Thank you for all of your support these last few years. I cannot express how important your views have been to making PinoyJeep a success, and though it has been tough keeping on track, it is always worth the effort knowing that we have viewers like you, eager to follow our journey. 

With much love and excitement for the future of the Philippines!

Sierra Jamir

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